Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rain, rain, go away!

So, wait, did you go to the gym or take the day off? Does that mean I can take today off? I'm ticked. I stayed up late last night reading, so that I wouldn't get lonely...I just read and read and read until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore--that way, I wouldn't have any time to remember that I was sleeping alone for the first time in a year. Ok, enough about that. All that to say, when my alarm went off at 5:30am, I decided I didn't want to go to spin class (my thursday teacher has been getting on my nerves lately...he plays the most random boy music and likes to take us up 35 minute hills--what gives? Needless to say, it's getting easier to say no to his class). I told myself that I would come home and go for a run outside...and was still motivated to do so when I left for work...but during my 40-minute commute home, it started pouring. Nice. I haven't completely written off the gym for tonight yet, but I can think of about 10 other things I would rather do. I keep telling myself that I have had a really good week so far...running after spin on mon and wed (even going 2.5 miles yesterday--that's the longest I've ever run, I think!) and spin on tues morning, with a little lifting on tues night. Maybe I will lift get ready for the pool, of course.

I was dying reading about the Scrubs episode!! So, was Elliot doing the race with Zack Braff? Or was she a bystander? If she was in the race, that one of us will have to carry the other. If not, we are going to have to recruit someone to come to the race in case we need some help. Maybe two people.

Ok, we can only be spin instructors if we can team teach all our classes. Haha, that way, when one of us slacks, the other can start yelling...or get off her bike, ala Rona, and start cranking up everybody else's tension. Oh man, our class would be so fun!

I am so proud of you for running after spin! Did you think it was harder than running before? Either I am a complete stud!, or I am not working hard enough in spin to be able to run afterwards. I'm going to go with the former. ;)

Ok, wish me luck for tonight. I am embarrassed to say I would rather clean my bathroom than go to the gym tonight. (Really, I think I'm just pissed that my outdoor run was rained out...I'm running out of time to reach my goal for the week of two runs outside...I might have to do two in one day if the rain doesn't let up.) I also hate it when I start my week off strong, only for it to tank by Friday. I'll get back to you.

p.s.--in the pool 4-5 days a week? That's ironman training, right? Does this guy know that we are just doing a tri?


1 comment:

Lauren said...

so I just checked the link to your Triathalon website. Who's the hunk on the homepage? I think I'm going to register too.........

I'll have to call the number to see if he's going to be there.